April 29, 2012


Stardream! First time on cruise, first time wearing an evening dress (damn paiseh) and for the first time the six of us went to an event together. The whole event was great and the most fantastic part was the bed. Should have slept in the bed more instead of only 2 hours. Blame all of us for non-stop chatting. LOL. The worst experience in the cruise was finding a decent place for a drink. Finding a Coke is not easy ok! Plus, the cruise only provide drinking water when you call the reception and the water ran out after you check out. =.= What?! The event was divided into one dinner night and one pool party. The food was ___ and then, you can hardly find a drink also. However, the morning breakfast was good! The pool party was awesome. Although I did not get into the pool, seeing others get thrown into the pool was FUN! LOL. After that pool party, we went to the most fantastic part which was a small nap on that comfortable bed. Then...... they knock our door and it was time to check out =( After we have landed, we were brought to Gurney plaza. We reached Kampar in the evening. That's the end.

So, below are a string of photos. Too many photos so I compiled them together. 
Before departing from UTAR. Look at our happy look!
@ the Jetty. Penang! 
Libra Cruise
All the lenglui. LOL.
Us, waiting outside the lounge. We were late for the opening caremony =(
Mica and I

Singing My Heart Will Go On. So romantic. Imagine Titanic.
At upper deck. Was super huuungryyyyy.

The night.
6 of us <3
love the bottom pic. everyone not ready yet. LOL
Look at their happy look after knowing there's no Pathology lab test tomorrow! :D

We woke up really early in the morning to catch the sunrise. Just in time! ;) 

The different tones of the sky
Can you spot the egg yolk? The Sun!
Sleepy look.

Then, off we go for the most anticipated breakfast. We were hungry the whole time!!! After breakfast, nap again and off we go for the pool party! :D

By the pool
Loh laugh so happy one.
They say the kid looks like my husband. yesssss! So cute!!!
Mica, so kacau!
Ending the post with the big head picture of us. Sorry Xin, you got none. >.<
Our super BIG head! Super love JY one. LOL. 

Tadaaaa.... That's all. 4 days away to final exam. Scary, nervous and stress.
p/s: I had a super good dream yesterday. LOL.

Every Breath You Take. CLASSIC!

Super love the lyric.

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