April 27, 2012

270412: Part of Me

I realised I haven't write about Stardream. Nothing to write also. Just pictures. Now, just a few of my favourite pics =) and one song that I'm addicted to. Blog is somewhere I escaped to during time of stress and whenever I want to avoid studying. I have wasted quite a lot of time. I had a bad dream. I dreamt that I was clueless for MMP exam ( because I was studying MMP and I fell asleep). Shit enough. I woke up. Faster go to study. LOL. I can't concentrate for more than 30 minutes... maybe 15 minutes. Sum up, I only studied for an hour throughout the day. BEAT me, SLAP me and better, KILL ME!

I'm a sexy lady
boy/girl? :/ a fail sketch of dog (below)
A sketch.
Above was part of my sketches. Almost all of my MMP notes, wherever there's a blank pages, were full of my sketches. I drawn, drew and draw whenever I don't understand what I studied. =.= I remember how I love drawing and painting when I was in primary school. I always  try acting as a artist and then I drew artistic picture (I think so, LOL) in a weird and ugly way (famous artist's artwork always like this right? no offence :) ). I showed my mum my drawing which I thought was super artistic and nice, then she said 'ok lor' and I was dissapointed and stop drawing. Such a kid! I actually enjoy drawing and painting. I do not draw or paint well but art is subjective isn't it? There's no exact definition on beauty as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. In addition, I feel that each and every art is beautiful in its own way. It is the degree of enjoyment and satisfaction that you got that matter. =)

Sun and Bunny
Bunny: Hello
I'm a lonely bunny
Introducing the HIT song in my playlist =.= Current addiction. LOL. The lyric, isn't that beautifully expressed but it is just enough to tell everything using simple words.

Part of Me by Katy Perry. Love her powerful voice. 

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