April 23, 2012

JayBee: a short trip

Back in JB last Wednesday. Just came back today. So much fun. Never study much >.< Met up with friends, relatives, gonggong and popo. Watched movies too. Battleship and Titanic. Damn, Battleship I watched twice and I fell asleep twice! I don't know what had gotten into me. So old, so tired. The funny thing was some scenes which I had missed in the first time watching (while I was sleeping), I watched it in the second times. I don't know what I'm talking about. I hope you understand. LOL. Battleship, one with my friends and the other one with my brother. Then, watched Titanic with cousin. I have been longing to watch it. If I'm not mistaken, I was eight when I first watched it. I watched it twice. One was without and one was with (???). LOL. I meant the naked scenes. 3D Titanic, to my disappointment, no naked scene. Wasted. Just imagine when you watch that scene in 3D (hehehehe). Titanic was(is) such a romantic and touching movie. While watching, the touching atmosphere was spoilt by some guys at the back of my seats. They were so noisy and kept on laughing. Some scenes however were really funny after so many years. This time I finally get to go KSL. I saw ah Beng and ah Lian there. Yea, the characters in the movie one! So close. They were promoting their movie.

 I'm just so bad at telling stories and all the things which had happened. Memory is really bad and I'm really not good at expressing myself. So, photos will do. =)

grandma oh grandma~ 
blueeeee sky with white cloud againnnnn <3
brother, kacau kacau
i love this photo but my bro spoilt it. he'd kill me if i show his face here.
"nothing is sweeter than the togetherness we share"
hello gonggong. actually I was kinda shock seeing gonggong this time. He has shrinked. =( So thin but still strong as ever. =) 
Popo. So pretty eh! =)
The sun in the morning.
that's me! the sailor!
very old photos of my grandparent.
With boobs. LOL.
Grandma's sewing machine. Older than me.
Favourite porridge! Century egg porridge.
mother & daughter. So cute. same expression
Eating ice-cream together. =)
My grandma is super naughty one. Love how she always laugh.  =)
Favourite eggtarts.
Family photos when I was 8. 14 years ago. omg. =.=
natural shot.
random light
random nescafe cup
looking sad.
very old photo. with great grandmother. I was not in there, look, my mum was still a little girl on the  bottom left.
so annoyed with me =.=
my brother (up) and cousins (down).
That's me! with my first love. LOL. just kidding. is a boy kid that my grandma babysit for
Pile of memories
attracted by this drawing. the colours. blend so well and nice.
collection of buttons.
colourful buttons

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