April 23, 2012

Random Foods Photo

Barely finished revised a subject. @.@ All sorts of entertainment looks extremely appealing during study period. TV and whatever. Actually, studying is really interesting. I just couldn't get my mind focused on it for more than 10 minutes (already one week gone). Going for jogging tomorrow morning with dad. Gotta study a while and sleep after writing this post which is a very lame and random food post. LOL. No any fancy food photo. Just some random one that I took photo of. I've been eating a lot of meats lately. Gonna stop eating meat for a while already. :/

Just now, my mum almost chocked to death. So scary man. She couldn't breath. I almost called ambulance. 999, right? Sigh. Will bring her for body check.
Oh, the sound of thunder was so loud just now ~.~

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