June 13, 2012

The 10 things

#1 Printed out some of my favourite photos and sorted them into a photo album.  #Satisfaction. #AWESOME. 
Love the feeling of anticipation to get the photos in hand. How nice that people last time must printed out their photos or else they can't see the photos because they came in film. Nowadays, we just save them in our laptop or hard disc. It costs 60 cents for a photo. Imagine I still have hundreds of photos in my favourite list. Can I get a discount? =.= I still think that the printed photos are a better way to keep all your memorable moments in your life. It seems more real to feel, to touch and to see. 

#2 Hello Panda biscuit. You are so yummy. <3
#3 One of the greatest creation. No wonder I am so fat.
#4 Jayesslee live in KL! OMG.
 I just can't wait to see them sing LIVE. I love them! Their voice especially!  Hope to hear them sing #Officially Missing You, #Payphone, #Just The Way You Are. Basically, every songs they have sang.

#5 First sketch of BunBun
#6 Giant Macaroon
#7 The 10 things. Things that I wanna achieve over a short period and a long period. I hope I can. I know I can. 
#8 The colours. There are so many colours for you to choose. So, why do you put yourself in a frame where there's only black and white. ;)
#9 If someone could understand this mess.
#10 My quirky grandma <3 I love her. 

Till then :)

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