June 9, 2010

Be Strong

I'm still feeling sad over my uncle's death but it is not that severe anymore compared to the pass few days. I would still think of him occasionally and cry.Most of the times I tend to kept myself from thinking about it but it was hard. From knowing the news of his death, attending the funeral, seeing him sleeping in the coffin and cremation, I felt miserable. The worst part was seeing my aunt and my cousins losing their beloved husband and daddy. 

I can't sleep well this few days. I would on the light and slept. There were two times where I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, thought about it and having hard time to sleep back. I'm scare.

Alright, I'm feeling better now. Hui Hui is really stronger then me! I should be stronger to take care of her=) I know she needs me and I'll always be there for her. Now that when I miss your daddy, I'll recite na mo amitabha and it really works! Thank you=) and I know your dad is in the heaven=)Jia you <3

and lastly, to the TWO
I felt a little bit of dissapoinment knowing the things between you two
and I really hate to see this kind of scene
I can't stand on any side as it is pointless for me to do so as things has already happened.
but... I do hope one day we can gather together again=)

Time will heals everything. It it true though it may leaves scar.
But the scar wouldn't be significant anymore because it has recover from it.

2nd day, <3

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