June 1, 2012


Today is a great day I must say. woke up to a beautiful day, went swimming, half price on Starbucks, read an inspiring book, a short walk in the night and a simple yet delightful dinner. How can I not be thankful for these wonderful thing.

Haha. Enough. I know I'm acting like an asshole here. It is just that I'm trying to apply what I had read in The Power. Your feeling and thought are very important. You feel good and you think good. So starting this moment, I'll make sure that I feel good at all time. Positive thinking and loves. With loves, there is wonders. I just read half of the book and surprisingly, I feel great ! it all starts off with feeling gratitude and loves whatever you do or whoever you are. The law of attraction. :) will talk about it more after I've read them all.

Hope you have a great day too. Happy all the time :)

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