October 19, 2011

Some times ago, I realised there's something wrong within me. I do not understand why is it so but yes, it is. I realised that in every relationship, I never scored A. This relationship comes from all the aspects between people (family, friends, strangers, etc.) and things (anything).
I've never score above 80%.
I wonder who set this boundary for me.
It is just that I will repel beyond that point. Is quite a strong repel actually.
I do not like to get too attached to anyone and anything.

I do not like being like this actually. 
It makes me being over sensitive towards everything. 

 Somehow, I think I'm such a *******
I wonder who actually know...

Maybe all this is due to family background and natural characteristic.
In fact, I actually like being alone but at the same time I love to be surrounded by people.

Well, it is confusing.
Yes, is a meaningless post.

I'll never ever try so hard to prove anything to anyone anymore.
I'm just gonna fight myself. I hope I can survive even if I'm gonna have bruises or scars all over me.
But there's one thing wrong about me.. 


After all, I guess everyone seeks for love and attention. Nobody likes to be ignored. 

Sometimes I just hope nobody can see me. I want to hide and I think, I'm hiding.


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